Frequently asked questions: Vircarda 

Jump to frequently asked questions: Checarda


Where can I download Vircarda?
How to activate your virtual smartcard

To activate your virtual smartcard, follow the steps below: 

  1. Download and open the Vircarda app

  2. Enter the Registration Code and PIN Number provided by your card issuing organisation 

    • Please contact your card issuing organisation if you are unable to find the relevant email or SMS​

  3. Check the details displayed on your card are correct

    • You can report any issues with the card by selecting the 'Report issue with card' link directly underneath the displayed card​

  4. Enter a valid email and password to register your account

    • Note: It is highly recommended, for account recovery purposes, that you enter your personal mobile number​

  5. Click 'Create Account'

I cannot download the Vircarda app

If you are unable to download Vircarda, then your device may not be compatible. An error message will be displayed, and an alternative device will need to be used. Note: iOS devices running iOS 13 or later and Android devices running 9 and later are compatible with Vircarda.

​If the storage on your device is full, more storage needs to be added or unused apps removed. Once this is done try downloading Vircarda again.

I have not received my Registration and PIN Number from my card issuing organisation

Check the email is not in your spam/junk folder.

​Please contact your card issuing organisation to request your registration details are present. You may wish to provide a different email address or mobile number.

I have lost/deleted the email/SMS containing my registration and PIN number
Please contact your card issuing organisation to request they re-issue your registration details.
I have downloaded the Vircarda app, but it will not open
Try deleting the app from your device and reinstalling it from the relevant app store.
Can I reload a removed card?

You can 'Remove a Card' from your Vircarda app. You can also reload a card back into Vircarda using the 'Load A Card' feature within the app and selecting the appropriate card from the list. Once a card has been reloaded, the data and information relating to that specific card will become accessible.

Can I use Vircarda for different types of cards?
Vircarda is designed to store multiple virtual smartcards from schemes that are using our platform.
Where can I find my card issuing organisation's contact details?

Once you have successfully registered your Vircarda account, the card-issuing organisation's contact details are available within the app. To view contact details:

  • Click on the relevant virtual smartcard image and the telephone support number will be displayed

  • On iOS, click the ellipsis menu (more options icon) at the top right of the app, screen select 'Manage Account' from the drop-down menu and click on 'Memberships', the telephone support number(s) will then be shown

  • On Android, the 'Manage Account' screen is accessed via the account icon
The details on my card are incorrect

Only your card issuing organisation can amend the details on your card. Please contact them directly to arrange for your details to be updated.

One of my cards has been cancelled

A notification will have been sent informing you that a card has been cancelled. Cancelled cards are automatically removed from your Vircarda app. If you are unsure why a card has been cancelled or to request a replacement card, please contact your card issuing organisation.

One of my cards has disappeared

You may have removed a card in error - you can reload it using the 'Load A Card' feature. Select the ellipsis menu (more options icon) at the top right within Vircarda and click 'Load A Card' from the drop-down menu. Click on the relevant card you wish to reload. Once a card has been reloaded, the data and information relating to that specific card will become accessible. 

Another reason a card may have disappeared from your view is if it has been cancelled. A notification should have been sent to inform you if this is the case. Please check with your card issuing organisation.

My card has expired

​When cards have expired, they remain within the app (identified and marked as 'Expired') for a period of time determined by the card issuing organisation. Please contact your card issuing organisation if your card should not have expired or to arrange for your card to be renewed.

The card reader is unable to read the QR code generated by Vircarda

Vircarda generates a secure, short life QR code that can only be read with compatible QR readers (Checarda and Go Smart). Generic QR readers cannot read the QR codes generated by Vircarda. 

The QR code can only be read once, should you need to refresh the code, either swipe down or click on the QR code.

How do I delete a card?

As a cardholder you are not able to delete a card. However, cards can be removed from Vircarda by clicking the ellipsis menu (more options icon) at the top right of the app and selecting 'Remove Card' from the menu. This option means you can reload the card back into Vircarda at any time.

If you want to permanently delete a card, please contact your card issuing organisation to request that the card is cancelled and therefore removed from your wallet.

Which applications can be used to check/read my Vircarda smartcard?

Cards can be securely checked/read using either Checarda or Go Smart (Android and iOS), cards can also be read using a Windows PC application. For further information, please visit:​

​Please contact your card issuing organisation to confirm which application should be used to check/read your card.

How do I allow someone to check/read my card?

To enable your card to be checked/read, a QR code needs to be generated by selecting the 'Read Card' function within the app and presenting the card to the card reader. Once your virtual smartcard has been successfully read, the information stored on your smartcard will become visible to the card reader. You will also receive a card read notification.

Viewing card read activity

All historic 'Card Read' activity is accessible within the app. Card read history details the time and date (in descending order) and is available via the home screen within the app by clicking the tile 'Card Read Activity'.

​The card read list includes (where available):

  • Card scheme icon

  • Date and time of card read (in descending order)

  • The name of the device that completed the read

  • A link to a map detailing the location of where the card read was completed (this will only be displayed if GPS was enabled on the device reading your card)

I did not receive a notification after my card was read

Notifications are handled differently on individual devices. On most Android and iOS devices, you can decide whether to receive notifications on an app-by-app basis. If you are not receiving notifications from Vircarda, go to the  'Settings' on your device and ensure 'Notifications' are switched to 'Allow'.

Note: As notifications are not 100% reliable across all platforms, it is recommended to regularly view the activity within your Vircarda app.


Notifications are short messages that ‘pop up’ on your device. Notifications are sent instantly and can be displayed even if the Vircarda app is not running or the screen lock is on. Notifications can either be system or scheme generated. 

Alerts to new (unread) notifications are indicated by the status bar icon (at the top of your device), a vibration of your device (if set), the blinking device LED and a badge indicator on the Vircarda app icon.

System generated notifications include:

  • Card reads

  • Card updates including qualifications, accreditations and competencies

  • New cards issued

  • Transfer of a card to another device

  • Revoke of a scheme

  • Card cancellation

  • System admin messages.

Scheme notifications can be used to engage directly with cardholders and can include:

  • Updates on the information held within the Vircarda app

  • Information and updates about a scheme/membership/community

  • Promotional offers including QR codes and links to URLs

  • Scheme relevant content including attachments and links

  • Two-way interaction between card issuing organisations and its users/community/members

  • E-ticket solutions for issuing electronic tickets to users 

  • Action buttons to capture responses. 

Notifications, except for ‘card reads’ and ‘transfer of card to another device’ are stored as in-app messages within the ‘Message List’ function and can be viewed by either:

  • Selecting the horizontal ellipsis (more options icon) at the top right of the app and clicking ‘Messages’ from the drop-down menu

  • Clicking the ‘Message List’ tile on the home screen within the app.

In-App Messages

In-app messages are displayed in a list format; descending by date and time (most recent first). Messages can be viewed directly from the message tile on the Vircarda app home screen or by clicking the ellipsis menu (more options icon) on the top right of the app and selecting ‘Messages’ from the drop-down menu.

​A thumbnail scheme icon or hero image is shown against each message, which can help to identify the scheme that sent the message.  

​If you are unable to see any of the message content, check your connection status is online and try to open the message again. If you still experience problems viewing the message, close the application, uninstall from your device, reinstall and log back in.

Notifications Settings

Notifications can be turned on or off from your device settings. If you have chosen to turn off the ‘Notification’ functionality, you will not receive any further notifications.

This feature can be re-enabled via the device settings – the Vircarda app will then need to be launched to update the settings within the app. 

Deleting In-App Messages

To delete one or multiple in-app Messages select the ellipsis menu (more options icon) in the top right of the app and click on ‘Messages’ from the drop-down menu or select the ‘Message List’ tile on the Vircarda app home screen. ​

  • Android: Once the message list is displayed, select the message thumbnail image or long press. The message will be highlighted, then select the bin image in the right-hand corner of the App to delete it. Should a message be deleted in error, select ‘Undo’ to restore the message.​ Android also supports swiping left or right to delete a single message from the list

  • iOS: Once the message list is displayed, select edit, check the message(s) you wish to delete (this feature allows multiple message selection) and click Delete'. To delete a single message, swipe left on the message – a gesture swipe will display a delete option and a full swipe will delete the message automatically. Should a message be deleted in error, the undo feature is available by selecting edit. Note: the undo feature is not available if you swipe left to delete a message.

Card Reads

Card read history, detailing the time and date in descending order, is available on the home screen within the app by clicking the tile ‘Card Read Activity’. 

​The card read list includes (where available): 

  • Card scheme icon

  • Date and time of card read

  • The name of the device that completed the read 

  • A link to a map detailing the location of where the card read was completed (this will only be displayed if GPS is enabled on the device reading your card)

I would like to transfer my virtual cards to a new device

Transferring your virtual smartcard(s) to a new device is a straightforward process. You may wish to do this if your device was lost/stolen or if you have a new device.

Download Vircarda from the relevant app store and install it onto your new device.

When you first launch Vircarda on your new device, the login button is shown in the middle of the registration screen, click the ‘Login' button and enter your email address and password credentials that were used when you first registered with Vircarda. Click on the 'Add Card' button and select the relevant card from the list. When the card has downloaded to the new device, it will automatically be removed from the old one (provided the old one is still online). 

I have two devices and would like to transfer my virtual cards between them

The Vircarda app can be installed on multiple devices, however, the virtual cards within the app can only be stored on one device at any one time. This is a security feature designed to ensure your card is not compromised.

To transfer your card from one device to another click on the 'Add Card' button and select the relevant card from the list. When the card has downloaded to the device, it will automatically be removed from the other one. 

I have forgotten my email address

If you have forgotten your email address, please select the ‘Forgotten Password or Email Address’ option on the login screen within the Vircarda app. On the next screen you will have the option to select 'Forgotten Email Address'. You will be prompted to provide the mobile number that you used when you first created your Vircarda account. An SMS will be sent to your device, detailing the email address associated with your account. You will now be able to log back into Vircarda and view your cards. 

​Note: If you opted not to provide a mobile number when you created your account, your account details may not be recoverable. You will need to create a new Vircarda account and contact your card issuing organisation for more assistance. 

I have forgotten my password

If you forget your password, please select the 'Forgotten Password or Email Address' option on the login screen within the Vircarda App. You will be prompted to provide the email address that you used when you first created your Vircarda account. Vircarda will then ask you to select the email address or mobile number (if one was provided), which will enable you to have the reset password PIN sent to you.

​Once you have received your PIN, enter the number as instructed within the Vircarda App (note: this must be entered within 10 mins or the PIN will expire). Enter a new password and re-enter to confirm. You will now be able to log back into Vircarda and view your cards.

​Note: It is highly recommended that you add your personal mobile number for account recovery purposes (if you have not already done so) under 'Account Management'. If you opted not to provide a mobile number when you created your account, your account details may not be recoverable. You will need to create a new Vircarda account and contact your card issuing organisation for more assistance.

Frequently asked questions: Checarda


For which operating systems is Checarda available?

Vircarda is available to download from:

  • Checarda is available for Android, iOS and PCs for physical and virtual cards.

    To use Checarda, please check the required compatibility of the operating system as follows:

    • iOS 12.0 or later, iPadOS 12.0 or later, to read virtual smartcards.

    • iPhone 7 model or later, running iOS 13 is required to read physical smartcards.

    • Android 6.0 or later to read physical and virtual smartcards.

    • Windows version 10 or higher to read physical and virtual smartcards.

Where can I download Checarda?

Checarda is available to download from:

I am unable to download the Checarda app

Checarda is not compatible with:

  • Any device below iPhone 6 running iOS 12

  • iPhones running on iOS 11 or earlier versions 

  • Android 5 or earlier versions

  • Windows PC earlier than Windows 7.


Checarda is not available for: 

  • Windows Mobile devices

I have downloaded the Checarda app but it will not open

Try deleting the app from your device and reinstalling it.

Can I use Checarda for different types of cards?
Many card issuers supply cards that are compatible with Checarda. To view card types, go to settings and cards within the Checarda app. Alternatively, to find out whether a particular type of card is compatible, contact the card issuer.
What do I need to start reading cards?

If you are reading cards from a mobile device then download the Checarda app.

If you are reading cards using a Windows PC:

  • To read physical cards you will need a USB smartcard reader with the correct drivers installed

  • To read virtual cards you can use either a Handheld QR code scanner or a webcam.

What is the 'Friendly Device Name' used for?

The 'Friendly Device Name' is the device name sent to a virtual cardholder when their card has been read. This helps identify where, and by whom, the card was read.

Where can I find a compatible smartcard reader?
For a selection of compatible and tested smartcard readers, please visit Smartcard Focus.
Why is the Dashboard blank when I open the Checarda Windows PC app?

This is because you do not have the correct hardware connected, installed or configured to read cards.

For a Windows PC connected smartcard reader, ensure the drivers for the reader are installed, close the App and make sure the reader is plugged into the USB port, and then launch Checarda again.

For a virtual card, ensure you have configured your Handheld QR code reader and have installed the correct drivers for the QR code reader or the Windows PC’s webcam.

Reading virtual smartcards

Android and iOS:

  1. Open the Checarda app

  2. Touch the ‘Scan a QR Code’ button

  3. Read the QR code that has been generated using the Vircarda app on the cardholder's device (your camera will scan the QR code, remember to position your smartphone approx. 10cm away from the cardholder's device)

  4. Checarda will check whether there are any updates before displaying the data

  5. An image of the card will appear on your screen (you should check the photo shown is that of the cardholder)

  6. Touch the card image to view the back of the card

  7. Touch the ‘Core Data’ tab to view the information stored including card issuer, scheme number, start and expiry dates, longitude/latitude coordinates

  8. Touch the 'Other Data' tab to view supplementary information held against the cardholder including qualifications, licences and attachments.

Windows PC:

  1. You need either a Handheld QR code scanner or webcam connected to your PC

  2. Open the Checarda App

  3. Read the QR code that is generated by the Vircarda App on the cardholder's device

  4. Checarda will check whether there are any updates before displaying the data

  5. An image of the card and the cardholder’s data will appear on the screen.

Reading physical smartcards

Android and iOS:

  1. Ensure that NFC functionality is enabled

  2. Open the Checarda app and select 'Read a Physical Card'

  3. Hold the smartcard to the back of your device or over the smartcard reader (note: the ‘sweet spot’ for scanning will depend on your device). For Android devices, the NFC is always at the back of the smartphone and usually towards the top of the device. For iOS devices the NFC is located near the top of the smartphone, reads can be done by placing the card on the back or front of the device. Once located, ensure that the card is held firmly against this area and kept still whilst it is being read.

  4. Checarda will check whether there are any updates before displaying the data

  5. An image of the card will appear on your screen (you should check the photo shown is that of the cardholder)

  6. Touch the ‘Card Details’ tab to view the information stored including the card issuer, scheme number, start and expiry dates, longitude/latitude coordinates

  7. Touch the card image to view the back of the card

  8. Touch the 'Other Data' tab to view supplementary information held including qualifications, licences and attachments.

Note: Physical smartcards can be read on iPhone 7 models or later running iOS 13 or above.

Windows PC:

  1. Make sure you have a suitable USB smartcard reader and the relevant drivers installed (for a selection of compatible and tested smartcard readers, please visit Smartcard Focus)

  2. Open the Checarda app

  3. Place the smartcard on the smartcard reader

  4. Checarda will check whether there are any updates before displaying the data

  5. An image of the card and the cardholder’s data will appear on your screen.

Can I use Checarda on more than one device?

Yes, you can install Checarda on as many devices as you wish.

My phone has been lost or stolen; I have a new phone; what do I do?

Download Checarda from the appropriate app store and you are ready to read smartcards from your new device.

Note: If you install Checarda onto another device, all historical data, which has not been exported, will not be retrievable. It is recommended that you export card reads on a regular basis i.e. weekly.

Can I read a card without an internet connection?

Yes, when a physical card is read offline, Checarda reads the data stored in the card's chip and presents it on screen. 

When a virtual card is read offline, the card is verified as genuine and the rest of the card check is then cached on the reader and automatically completed once connectivity is available.

My device does not have NFC, can I still use Checarda?

Yes, however you will only be able to read virtual cards. NFC is required to read physical smartcards.

I’m having problems reading a card

Virtual smartcard:

When the cardholder clicks ‘Read Card’, a short-life QR code is displayed. This QR code can only be read once by Checarda. If you have already read the QR code and wish to read the card again, ask the cardholder to refresh their QR code by swiping down from the top of the screen. This will generate a new QR code, which can now be read in the usual way.

Note: Please be advised that the quality of QR code reading is very much dependant on the capabilities of the device that is being used. If you continue to experience difficulties, please consider installing Checarda on a different device or sourcing a different handheld QR code reader or webcam.

Physical smartcard:

This could be because of the following:

  • The card could be damaged or faulty - if this is the case Checarda will display an error message

  • The card may not be registered against the Scheme - check the cards in the settings to view what schemes you can read

  • The card has not been authenticated - an error message will display relevant instructions

  • The card has been moved or removed from the device before Checarda has finished reading it - an error message will be displayed.

Every NFC enabled smartphone has a ‘sweet-spot’ on the back of the device where card reading is optimised. Locate this area (which is always at the back of the smartphone and usually towards the top of the device). Once located, ensure that you hold the card firmly to this area and keep the card still whilst it is being read.

Why do I have card reads held in 'Offline reads still pending'?

This is a holding area for virtual cards that have been read offline and are awaiting an internet connection to be correctly authenticated.

When an internet connection is established, these card reads will be authenticated and automatically cleared from the 'pending' list. You can also manually select the pending card and force a refresh.

What is a manual card check?

A manual card check allows you to view a cardholder’s information without their card present.

How do I perform a manual card check?

To perform a manual card check:

  • Select the ‘Manual Card Check’ button on the Checarda dashboard

  • Select the scheme you wish to search in

  • Enter the registration number without any spaces. E.g. 23122121

  • Enter the surname and select search

Note: This functionality is only available online.

What is CourseSight?

CourseSight is a comprehensive training booking system. The system allows companies and individuals to search, book and manage courses with confidence.

What information am I presented with?

In Checarda, the CourseSight tab allows you to check what qualifications are obtained from CourseSight. It details the name of the course, the training provider that delivered the course and the date the qualification was achieved.

How is a CourseSight training outcome shown on my card?

Please visit As long as you enter a delegate's scheme card number when you book training on CourseSight, then once they have completed their training the outcome will appear instantly the next time their card is checked with Checarda.

How to link training with your card?

All you need to do is enter your scheme card number in the checkout information when purchasing a course through CourseSight and we do the rest for you. 

There is a CourseSight tab on my card, but I have no courses, how do I sign up?

Any course that you book on CourseSight will be loaded onto your CourseSight tab in Checarda, just make sure that you enter your card number when booking. To make a booking now, visit:

What is a training provider?

A training provider is any organisation that delivers training courses.

What is an approved trainer?

An approved training provider is an organisation that is accredited by an industry relevant organisation, industry body, exam board or sector regulator (e.g. FIS, Lantra). Approval by a body is displayed against the training provider listing in CourseSight.