Causeway Ermeo - Cost of Doing Nothing
How much could you save with Causeway Ermeo?
Simply enter a few details to calculate your potential savings.
What is the average hourly wage of your field employees?
- 0
- 20
- 40
How many employees fill out information on forms ?
- 0
- 500
- 1000
How many hours does a field worker spend collecting/delivering forms, looking up information and communicating job changes each week?
- 0
- 25
- 50
What is the average hourly wage of your administrative employees?
- 0
- 20
- 40
How many employees do you have in the admin team?
- 0
- 375
- 750
How many hours does an administrative staff member spend processing data, retreiving documents, communicating with a field operative and archiving forms each week?
- 0
- 25
- 50
Knowledge Worker
What is the average hourly wage of a knowledge worker?
- 0
- 20
- 40
How many knowledge workers have you got in the business?
- 0
- 500
- 1000
How many hours does a knowledge worker spend finding, collating and reviewing the quality of information each week?
- 0
- 25
- 50
Job Write-Offs
How much business do you write off because of lost, damaged or illegible paperwork each week?
- 0
- 5,000
- 10,000
Current software
Do you currently use any form software for Auditing, Installation etc.?
If so, how much do you spend on this per year
- 0
- 10,000
- 20,000
Paper forms
On average how many pieces of paper are used for forms across the different departments each week?
- 0
- 5000
- 10000
Values | |
Field |
Average hourly wage |
£ 10000 |
Fill out information on forms |
0 employees |
Worker spend time for collecting/delivering forms |
0 hours |
Administrative |
Average hourly wage |
£ 10000 |
Fill out information on forms |
0 employees |
Worker spend time for collecting/delivering forms |
0 hours |
Knowledge Worker |
Average hourly wage |
£ 10000 |
Fill out information on forms |
0 employees |
Worker spend time for collecting/delivering forms |
0 hours |
Job Write-Offs |
£ 10000 |
Current software |
£ 10000 |
Paper Forms |
10000 |
(assumes a price of 0.09 per sheet) |
£ 10000 |
Calculation Result
[ESCF] Ermeo ROI
Result | |
Weekly cost |
£ |
Monthly cost |
£ |
Annual Cost |
£ |
** This is the average salary according to Glassdoor 2022
*This is calculated based on the Accounts Payable Association's research that shows one AP clerk can manually process 42 invoices per day. Working 261 days per year, that equates to a maximum of 11,000 invoices per annum.
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Your Tradex Calculation Result
In this time of falling margins and uncertainty across the construction industry its worth recognising the positive impact that biometric time and attendance can have on commercial performance. Our recent research found that contractors using biometrics reduced labour costs by 20% on average.
The below calculation provides an indication of what your business could save with biometrics.
If you are seeking advice on implementing a biometric solution or would like to arrange a demonstration of the Causeway Donseed solution, please contact today.
Your Information
Invoices Processed:
Number of AP Clerks:
Average AP Clerks Salary**: £
Current Software: £
Total Cost: £
Total Cost Per Invoice: £
With Tradex
Number of AP Clerks:
Total Cost per invoice: £
Total Cost: £
Number of AP Clerks:
Total Cost per invoice:
Total Cost: