Network Rail is the owner and operator of the UK’s railway network, which covers 20,000 miles of track, 30,000 bridges, tunnels, and viaducts, thousands of signals and level crossings, and 20 of the UK’s largest stations. Ensuring the safety and competence of their workforce is critical to their operations.


The challenge


Managing the competence and safety of a large, dispersed workforce was a significant challenge for Network Rail. With a diverse workforce operating across the extensive railway infrastructure, there was a pressing need for a reliable system to verify worker credentials, medical checks, and competence in real time.


The solution


Network Rail implemented Sentinel, a Causeway SkillGuard system, to address these challenges. Sentinel allows workers to easily and safely swipe onto the railway infrastructure, verifying their competence and medical status in real time. The system provides a common platform for all workers, including those shared with London Underground, preventing issues such as double-shifting.


"There is only one Sentinel! Causeway plays a major role in supporting us with our objective of 'Putting Passengers First'. They epitomise the mantra of 'Being Easy to Engage With', allowing us to positively respond to our customers’ challenges and requests."


- Jo Astor Duggan, Sentinel Operations Manager, Network Rail


The result


Sentinel has transformed workforce management at Network Rail, preventing around 600 to 700 people every four weeks from accessing the infrastructure due to issues with competence, medical checks, or drug and alcohol status. With 38,000 users recording their competence daily, the system has significantly enhanced safety and efficiency, preventing potential incidents and ensuring compliance.


Ready to improve your workforce safety and efficiency with Causeway SkillGuard? Contact our team today to get started.






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