Kent County Council has been a long term user of Yotta’s Mayrise Street Works management software. The solution was used to support the introduction of the first permit scheme with the Council working closely with developers to create a solution to automate the permit application process. Mayrise Street Works also facilitated the mapping and scheduling of proposed works, monitoring of works in progress and communication of planned works to other road users.
“Mayrise Street Works helped process the increased volume of information that we required from applicants to issue permits ensuring all relevant boxes were and are ticked,” commented David Latham, Roadworks Manager at Kent County Council. “Using the integrated mapping tool we can easily identify the location of proposed works and assess their impact on the wider network. Mayrise also enables us to access supplementary information, if required, via a secure link to the applicant’s server.”
Designed to complement and build on the benefits of the existing Permit Scheme KCC’s Lane Rental Scheme is also administered using Yotta’s Mayrise Street Works software. Advanced filtering tools allow for the automatic identification of works that will impact on the Lane Rental Network and these are then administered accordingly. Customised reports allow for Section 74 reporting (Section 74 of the NRSWA allows for ‘charges for occupation of the highway where works unreasonably prolonged’) with charges being automatically calculated and invoices issued.
For further details, read the complete case study.