In Tech Loop Europe's analysis "What Do Smart Cities Look Like In A Post-COVID World?" Steve White, Head of Transformation Accounts at Yotta, remarks on how data will impact decision making, alongside discussions on the topic from esteemed industry professionals.

With many sectors focusing on “building back better” post-COVID, Steve comments on how smart city technology will come to the fore, and how data will impact decision making, as commuters change how they travel post-COVID. Steve says "Organisations will need this data to influence future policies and decisions both in our cities and also increasingly beyond our urban centres.”

The feature explores the impact of COVID-19 and the future of smart cities, the innovation over the past year and building on current progress.

With input from Jamie Hayes, Mobile Network Operators Director at BT Wholesale; Elliot Chmielinski, Channel Manager Projects at Somfy UK;  Nick Chorley Director at EMEA Public Safety & Security; Chris Barlow Director of Innovation at the DCC; Phil Beecher, President and CEO of Wi-SUN Alliance amongst others, you can read the full article here:  

If you found the article interesting and want to learn more about how data will impact local authority Highways decision-making post-COVID, Yotta's E-Guide: Digital Technologies Supporting the Road Network, provides advice on how to ensure continuity of service and resilience of network assets in lockdown and beyond including how Highways departments can increase safety, reduce disruption, protect their budgets, balance short and long term investments and "build back better".


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