To achieve greater efficiency, improve the management of information and ensure effective communication with its on-site teams, EcolightingUK is among the latest businesses to implement Causeway Technologies’ mobile workforce management solution Causeway Ermeo. 

EcolightingUK, established more than 50 years ago as an electrical contracting business, provides a range of design, specification, installation and commissioning services for industrial and commercial lighting installations, as well as other mechanical and electrical (M&E) services.

For the management and documentation of work on each project across the country, EcolightingUK had been relying on tried and trusted paper-based systems and manual processes. However, this approach was often time consuming, both for the teams on site and those in the Hinckley head office. There was a drive within the business to improve efficiency, cut down on physical paperwork and increase the accuracy and quality of information for each project.

EcolightingUK embarked on a process of evaluating the digital solutions available. The team approached Causeway to discuss how the construction software specialist could help EcolightingUK achieve its goals. It became clear that the versatility of Causeway Ermeo meant all the requirements could be met and it was suitable for use by all areas of the business. This eliminated the need for several different specialised solutions to be implemented and, as a result, reduced the complexity of operations and information management.

Causeway Ermeo simplifies, standardises and digitises operational processes by facilitating the creation of interactive forms to replace manual and paper-based systems. These forms can be tailored to the exact requirements of the organisation and the mobile-first platform means it is easy to complete the forms on site from an iOS or Android device. In addition, the Causeway Ermeo forms can be used in online or offline modes, meaning productivity is not impacted by the quality of the internet connection. The completed forms are then stored securely in the cloud and immediately accessible from the main office, with no risk of important documentation being lost or accidently deleted. This centralised storage of information also allows access to real-time data and streamlines and automates reporting.

Causeway Ermeo also integrates seamlessly with Microsoft Office 365 as the standard suite for email, documents and file storage. Forms completed in Causeway Ermeo can automatically populate Word documents or Excel spreadsheets and then be filed in Microsoft SharePoint or Teams.

Working with the Causeway team of in-house product experts, EcolightingUK has implemented Causeway Ermeo across its business and invested in 20 software licences. This number of licences ensures that people working in various roles across different sites can simultaneously access the required forms on Causeway Ermeo. 

In addition, Causeway Ermeo integrates with other Causeway solutions, such as the biometric access control and time and attendance system Causeway Donseed, but also other IT infrastructure. This allows businesses, such as EcolightingUK, who are in the process of digitalising their operations to seamlessly introduce other solutions as required with minimal disruption. 

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