New partnership applies AI and 3D technology to ensure safer roads
Leamington Spa – 3rd December 2020 – Innovative 3D and AI software provider, GPC Systems (GPC) has signed a collaborative agreement with asset management provider, Yotta. The two companies will work together to combine their complementary technologies into solutions that help local authorities to achieve efficiencies and improve the accuracy and quality of their highways construction, maintenance and repair processes.
GPC’s 3D Measure solution provides a method of both quickly and accurately measuring potholes via 3D imaging, ensuring resource costs can be kept to a minimum. The solution also uses advanced AI capability to ascertain where potholes are likely to occur in the future.
With the help of Yotta’s connected asset management software, Alloy, councils can manage and make sense of this data and ensure it is presented to key people within the organisation to make more informed decisions. By ensuring the worst potholes are identified and can be quickly treated, the approach makes roads safer for residents and reduces the risks councils run of being impacted by costly litigation.
GPC will also integrate its 3D Construction tool with Yotta’s Alloy. As a result, customers will be able to not only assess a highways construction project and accurately measure the size and volume of the job and any in-fill materials needed, they will also be able to ensure all that data is captured and shared with all key stakeholders, including engineers and road inspectors. This will help reduce operational costs and help ensure greater project accuracy.
Customers will also get the benefit of GPC’s 4D Portal solution, which provides a secure cloud application for collecting data from 3D applications like 3D Measure and 3D Construction.
Isabelle Miller, Head of Business Development and Partnership Solutions, GPC, said: “We are really looking forward to working closely in partnership with Yotta. They are a great company that is well-respected across the industry. The software and applications that Yotta has created provide us with an end solution and a process that we can wrap around our own existing software applications to deliver added value to customers.
“At the same time Yotta’s existing local authority customers benefit from being able to tap into the advanced AI and 3D dimensioning capabilities that we bring, to optimise the benefits they can gain from their existing Yotta implementation.”
Steve White, Head of Transformation Accounts, Yotta, said: “This collaboration will bring extensive benefits to customers of both parties in enabling them to work even more smartly and efficiently than they have in the past. By working together in partnership, Yotta and GPC will enable them to streamline their operational processes, by quickly and efficiently capturing data and analysing it intelligently, using the results to make more out of limited resources and ensuring they make faster and better decisions.”
The partnership will initially focus on opportunities in the UK but over time the plan is to also explore potential markets in other parts of the world. The partners also plan to branch out from working purely on opportunities related to highways infrastructure into other council or local area service areas.
About GPC
GPC is an award-winning software house with over 25 years of experience working with a range of sectors across the globe. GPC works with emerging technologies including innovative dimensioning 3D software, 3D camera technology, AI and AR across health, government, logistics and B2B.
The company’s WoundMeasure 3D dimensioning wound calculator is being used to accurately depict the measurements of a wound, being used with many corners of the UK’s NHS as well as across the globe’s healthcare industry. In relation to highways, its Highways Measure solution is being used similarly to measure the different road textures for UK councils and has been used by NASCAR racetrack in Las Vegas. GPC’s latest software package is for Freight Measure to accurately dimension global air freight and logistics. For more information, please visit the company’s website at