Mobile Waste Management software from Yotta is being introduced to help Walsall Council tackle the growing problem of fly tipping. Combined with the existing back office Mayrise Waste Management system it is hoped the new mobile working practices will improve customer service, increase operational efficiencies and reduce the impact of fly tipping on the environment. Integrated with the Council’s website and customer contact centre the combined back office and field solution will also allow Walsall Council to target problem areas and provide detailed financial reporting.
“Our crews already take a proactive approach reporting and resolving fly tipping issues in the field and this has resulted in an increase in reported jobs of 22 per cent. This has, in turn, allowed for a 12 per cent reduction in the number of calls about fly tipping to our contact centre realising real savings and improvements in customer service,” commented Stephen Johnson, Service Manager Clean and Green. “However with the introduction of Mayrise mobile solution we are hoping to build on this success and improve our KPI results in relation to fly tipping.”
It is hoped the introduction of mobile working practices, supported by Mayrise Waste Management mobile software, will improve Walsall Council’s Key Performance Indicator (KPI) results. Currently the Council aims to remove reported incidents of fly tipping within 2 days and they are achieving this in 71 per cent of cases. By arming crews in the field with in cab devices or tablet PCs running the Mayrise software they can automatically record the location, complete with GPS coordinates, description and action required. Reports can be automatically logged in the back office system and, if the reporting crew are unable to deal with, a work order issued.
Other reports of fly tipping received from members of the public, either via the My Walsall portal or the Council’s contact centre, or other teams or Council operatives, can be automatically communicated to the nearest available crew via the mobile devices. This automated reporting and work order issuing saves significant back office time; inputting data recorded in the field into the centralised Mayrise system, and provides timely information that can be communicated to the public or used for performance monitoring and financial reporting.
Yotta will be showcasing the Mayrise Waste Management solution at the 2014 LARAC Conference; the annual forum for local authority waste and recycling officers which takes place in Nottingham from the 15-16th October 2014.