In these unprecedented challenging times Yotta would like to reassure its customers and its prospective customers of its commitment to them. We recognise there will be a need to balance the ongoing delivery of projects while adapting to the ever-changing world around us.
Adapting our resources
Whilst there are many uncertainties that lie ahead of us, we remain resourced to deliver our services remotely from training to configuring systems, to strategic asset management services, customer support desk and developing our software. We are keen to work with you to keep our projects and commitments to you on track, through adapting the way in which we deliver them.
We are now working closely with many of our customers through online solutions such as MS Teams, Skype and GoTo Meeting. We have setup collaborative online file sharing combined with messaging, audio and video calling for those customers who remain able to work from home and who have not been redeployed onto critical front-line services.
We have now adapted our training that would have been delivered face-to-face, to be delivered remotely in shorter, bite-sized chunks. Our project managers and consultants will be able to assist you in setting you up with this.
Business continuity
We are committed to working with you to get through this difficult time and would like you to see us as an extension of your organisation. We are more than just a software company, we have a strong team of expert consultants versed in your industry, many whom have worked in and for your organisations over many years.
Where you are forced to redeploy your resources, we are able to backfill some of these business areas to keep projects and business on track. We want to be flexible and adaptable whilst ensuring business continuity in as many areas as possible.
Finally, working together we will overcome these challenging times. We want you to know we are here for you, a partner who is on your side.
Thank you for your continued support and if you need any further help, please contact your account or business development manager.
Chris Dyer
Director of Consultancy