Blu-3 has rolled out Causeway Supplier Management to help onboard, accredit and rank its vendors (suppliers and subcontractors).

The international infrastructure provider wanted a central database to track its vendors by trade and coverage. By doing this, they could instantly find the right vendor without wasting resources on the prolonged search, safe in the knowledge their choices are vetted.

Causeway Supplier Management delivers this database – and more. It’s an online solution that drastically improves vendor management and performance.

Open integrations with ERPs and Microsoft Dynamics create an active and real-time network, ensuring Blu-3 has access to the single source of truth.

When details change in one platform, they change in the other.

Creating a culture of continuous improvement

Blu-3 has relationships with thousands of vendors across the globe. Choosing the best one from a central database is tough without performance data.

Supplier Management does this with a “traffic light” lead table to enable better procurement decisions. It’s based on three factors:

  • Approval status
  • Accreditation status
  • Performance feedback

Blu-3 are starting with a 180° view of vendor performance but will move to 360° soon after. This way, vendors can share feedback too – creating a loop that elevates performance – strengthening relationships with culture of continuous improvement.

Supplier Management also pulls data from common assessment providers like CHAS and Achilles, ensuring a smooth and fast pre-qualification process.

As an international company, the solution's multi-lingual function allows vendors to use Supplier Management no matter what language they speak.

Want to get Causeway working for your business?

Learn more about our software solutions for contractors or contact us for details.

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