For cost consultants and quantity surveyors, having smarter access to accurate historic cost data is absolutely key. Not only will you be able to provide clients with speedier affordability/feasibility responses but you will also save many hours of your own time in providing this crucial data.

This webinar is part of a 3-part series that will allow you to take control over your cost data by leveraging historic information, providing professional cost reports to clients and improving your methods of measurement with dynamic integration whilst maintaining a full audit trail in parallel.

In this second episode in the series, Tim Cook, Global Account Manager at Causeway, will discuss how you can add value to your take off processes with the BIMMeasure module by measuring from CAD files (DWG), PDF and BIM models (including RVT files) and integrating these measurements into your cost plan dynamically whilst maintaining a full audit trail at all times. Tim will showcase the integration with our costing modules and finish with the automated rule-based measurement routine that can save hours of measurement time.



The first episode in the series, "Taking Control of Your Valuable Cost Data," is available here.

The third episode in the series, "Cost Planning - The Smarter Way," is available here.

Causeway’s CATO cost planning suite provides a comprehensive solution for cost consultants, enabling cost advice and management to be provided quickly, consistently and at the lowest price. Developed in close collaboration with leading QS professionals, CATO offers a modular suite of tools that allows you to select the functionality your business needs, as and when you need it, including automated measurement tools for CAD drawings and BIM models. Learn more about our cost planning solutions.

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