Sunderland City Council adopts Causeway Flow as a replacement for a legacy drainage design platform that no longer meets the council’s requirements.

Sunderland City Council (SCC) undertakes a significant amount of drainage design work and requires an effective and powerful software solution. Its existing provider’s drainage design software was becoming outdated, so the council began looking at other options including Causeway. The construction software specialist arranged a product demonstration of Causeway Flow with its in-house product experts.

SCC was originally introduced to Causeway Flow through Causeway’s initiative to support local authorities, which provided the council team with a free licence to improve the process of reviewing and auditing drainage design submissions.

Following the demonstration, SCC purchased three Causeway Flow licences for use by its team. The Causeway team is working closely with the council to migrate their designs over to Flow and ensure those involved in drainage design fully understand the features and functionality of the software. 

Causeway Flow is a powerful end-to-end hydraulic modelling solution for analysis and design of compliant and cost-effective storm and foul water drainage networks.

It also fully supports Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) analysis and design. Crucially, SCC is in a unique position of both designing drainage schemes while being an approving body; Causeway Flow satisfies both elements. 

In addition, Causeway’s flexible cloud licencing allows users to have simple and easy access from different devices when working remotely or from other offices. Once a license has been allocated in the cloud portal, the offline working mode ensures work can continue even if the internet connection is intermittent or not available.

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