Causeway SpecifiedBy is excited to introduce an 'anonymous traffic' feature for their building product company users - a game-changing addition to the platform. This feature provides you with a fresh perspective on understanding your audience and leads.

Anonymous traffic visibility  

The primary focus of this new feature is its ability to reveal the company name of anonymous (non-registered and non-logged-in) users that engage with your brand and products. 

We understand that not all interactions with your brand and products on our platform will start with a name, so we aim to fill this information gap and provide you with the company from which a user is trying to reach you from.

What are the key benefits of this new leads feature?

  • Competitive advantage: Visibility of company leads gives our manufacturer users a competitive edge. It lets you see the company names from an individual that is interested in your products, giving you leverage to proactively connect with them.

  • Stay ahead: Stay ahead of the curve by learning about the projects that engaged companies are working on. This insight puts you in a strategic position to find out about upcoming specification opportunities so you can build meaningful relationships with the companies actively engaging with your brand.

  • Enhanced lead visibility: Visibility into the company's looking at your brand and products revolutionises how you perceive, and approach leads. It empowers your sales and marketing teams with actionable insights to follow up with.

Why Choose Causeway SpecifiedBy?

  • Exclusive insights: As well as named individual leads, we're the only online building product database offering this new level of insight to our building product industry users.  Our commitment is to provide the best digital marketing tools for your success.

  • Impressive stats: Causeway SpecifiedBy boasts over 70,000 monthly visitors and 11,000+ monthly searches. With a network of 2,500+ manufacturers and suppliers and access to 95,000+ building products and materials, we open doors to opportunities.

  • Architectural industry trust: Causeway SpecifiedBy is trusted by all AJ00 architectural practices, highlighting our credibility and industry reach.

Ready to elevate your lead strategy and industry presence?

Don't miss the chance to shine in your industry with our new 'company leads' insights - your new path to enhanced visibility and engagement with the specifiers you want to work with. 

Schedule a call with our team for a quick demo of our Insights dashboard, created to equip the building products industry with the marketing tools and insights you need to succeed.

 Click here to learn more.

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