Many building product companies are currently exploring the transition of their CPD content to an online format, and it's undoubtedly a smart move. However, it seems like many are feeling a bit overwhelmed, filled with questions, and bogged down by the nitty-gritty details of how to make this shift successfully.

At Causeway SpecifiedBy we host our clients' online CPD events every week and our present our own webinars many times throughout the year. Therefore, we have gathered a few useful tips for you that can help you get started with your own.

1. Certification isn't the be-all and end-all

First and foremost, don't get too hung up on getting your CPD content certified. In reality, it doesn't matter as much as you might think (or as it never really has). As long as your content is genuinely educational and valuable (which architects will determine for themselves regardless of certification), everyone involved will be content, and it will still count towards their CPD requirements.

2. Repurpose, don't just recreate

Don't limit yourself to just migrating your existing CPD presentations to the online realm. You can repurpose other forms of content, such as blogs, guides, reports, and case studies. Anything that imparts knowledge and brings value to your audience will do the trick.

3. Embrace live events 

Live events have a certain charm and effectiveness to them. Don't fret too much about determining the absolute best day and time. Assigning a date and time somehow boosts appeal and encourages sign-ups. Just pick a suitable slot and promote it.

4. Repetition is your friend  

You don't need to concoct fresh content for every session. Reuse the same presentation and topics multiple times to reach a broader audience. Once your content is ready, the effort required to promote and run these events diminishes significantly.

5. The magic of Q&A

Keep your presentations reasonably concise, ideally around 20-30 minutes, and then dive into a live Q&A for as long as attendees have questions. This is where the true value lies, both for you and your audience.

6. Secure a spot in their calendars  

To ensure people don't forget and actually show up, get your event into their calendars. If you're using dedicated webinar software, this should be a breeze. If not, tools like AddEvent can help by including calendar links in your confirmation emails.

7. Record and repurpose  

Record your live events and repurpose them as on-demand content. If you'd like people to register for access, you can simply upload the recording to YouTube as 'unlisted' and set up a landing page with a sign-up form that automatically sends the link via email upon registration.

8. Have a clear 'Ask'

Always have a clear call to action for your attendees. Record your live events and repurpose them as on-demand content. If you'd like people to register for access, you can simply upload the recording to YouTube as 'unlisted' and set up a landing page with a sign-up form that automatically sends the link via email upon registration.

9. Don't forget to follow up

Maximise the impact by planning how you'll follow up with all attendees. At the very least, send out the slides and the recording. Better yet, personally follow up with each attendee to address any questions. For larger numbers, you can set up an automated email sequence.

10. Just dive in

In the end, don't overthink it. Create a sign-up page, shoot an email to your mailing list, and see what unfolds. Now isn't the time for perfection or second-guessing. Even if you have just a couple of relevant attendees, it's a worthwhile investment of your time, and you'll have a recording to leverage for the future.

Ready to start your online CPD journey? Let Causeway SpecifiedBy be your guide. Discover how you can take your CPDs to the next level and make an lasting impact with your audience. 

Reach out to Causeway SpecifiedBy today to unlock your full potential in delivering online CPDs.  

 Click here to learn more.

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